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A blog from Margolin

It’s the last day of the Festival and we are all about to go to the theater to do our last show and then load out.  Most of the set and props are staying here in the UK to be here for future touring of Architecting so it looks like we won’t be as much of a clown car of luggage heading back to the States as we were coming out here. 

The run has exceeded expectations on all fronts.  We won the Total Theater Award for best young company a few days ago to add to our three Fringe Firsts, and Dublin award.  Even after the reviews came out people have continued writing about the show, in the culture pages of papers, on blogs . . . we even sat with a young woman who will be using Architecting as a source for her Masters Thesis.  I have been blown away by the number of people who have written about the TEAM for their dissertations.

Looking back over the last month, one of the things I am most struck by is that we are being treated like a mature company – by the press; by our audiences; by our cololeagues.  When we came in 2006 much was made of our youth – how astonishing it was that such a young group of people were working with such excellence.  This time around, our youth is rarely mentioned (maybe we’re just getting old . . .) Rather, we are treated like adults, and the company is talked about as a mature entity with a legitimate ouvre and a coherent, unique artistic vision.  It feels like an arrival.

I am excited to continue working on Architecting when we get back to the states, getting it ready for our US premier!

What a ride! – Jake Margolin