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Hi guysies

so the internet has been down at our (fly-ridden) house so apologies for spaces between blogs. we are in final race to the finish line, getting as many presenters and producers into the house as possible.  Joe Melillo from BAM was in last night which was SUCH SUCH an exciting and crazy step – the audience was of course the quietest we’ve had for the whole run so I was nervous as hell, but so it goes.  It’s always impossible to know how it’s going out there from where I’ve been watching in the booth.  And people are still enthusiastic afterwards – other than perhaps the group of British private high school students, who I don’t think had much of a context for the themes of the work.  The americana of this show has been intensely striking as we present to international audiences, but I think people are still latching on to the greater themes of nation building, if not some of the more emotional stuff about what a wreck the country is in today.

And on our day off this Monday we went to visit Davey Anderson’s new baby!  Davey is our associate director on the piece, and he and his partner Clem have a GORGEOUS 17-day (as of Monday) old baby.  some photos!
