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Blast from the (recent) past!

When we were in Las Vegas last summer, Libby and I conducted a short series of interviews – with each other – about our experiences there.  The idea was to do this periodically so that we could have a running commentary of the evolution of our impressions over the month that we were there.  And also to upload them to the internet in some form so that people could track our tomfoolery along with us.  In listening to them now, a few salient points emerge:

  •  We don’t really know what a podcast is.
  •  Podcasts are fun.  We will need to do more of these.
  •  Both of us, separately and on different days, ate corn dogs.

And with no further ado, please enjoy the first three TEAM podcasts!


Brian interviews Libby, Las Vegas, early June 2010

Libby interviews Brian, Las Vegas, early June 2010

Libby and Brian at the Grand Canyon