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more rain, more nachos

wheelin and schemin in the trav bar.

it is week two, and the day before the olympics start.

it will not stop raining. libby said, i am too old to have all my clothes be soggy and marched to the army navy and now has rainboots and a jacket and i am jealous. and wet.

jake’s room dripped and set off….the fire alarm? it was loud. luckily we have tall men to reach the fuse box.

and luckily we have superhuman edinburgh powers and can turn on the energy fountain when the show starts! the audiences have been full and lovely. everyone sees shows here, and i love the diversity of age and exerience in the seats.

nick and brian have left, which is sad. but we get ash, jacqui and nathan soon in the rotation.

i saw batman yesterday with the boys and ate a huge sundae in the theatre. treats!

we are all going to see daniel kitson tonight and i am excited.

and full of nachos. maybe i will go buy rainboots. or maybe just nap.
