Support the TEAM

Edited by Kate Freer

This month, we’re kickstarting a new way of giving—one that (we hope) will feel accessible to those of you who may not see yourself as a traditional donor. We’re calling it our Builders Circleyou lay the bricks of small, monthly contributions to the TEAM, and on that foundation, we build sustainable, people-centric theatre. Take that $15.49/month you spend on Netflix or the $5.00/week you spend on an iced coffee with oat milk, and consider directing that familiar spending pattern towards the TEAM by joining the Builders Circle. We’re look for 24 new Builders by 2024!

Our ecosystem will of course continue to rely on the incredible generosity of those who contribute one-time gifts. You’re our Foundational Funders, really, and you will be integral in helping us reach our $10,000 goal.

Photo by Alan Koppel. Scenic Design by Nick Vaughan. Graphic Design by Lauren Matrka.

As we reach the end of this thrilling transition of a year, please consider contributing to support everything that makes the TEAM the TEAM – the community of people, our commitment to values, and the wild and questing art. This collective is dedicated to bold experiments in WHAT and HOW we make. And we’ve been experimenting with the process of Petri and RECONSTRUCTING for a minute now. So we’re ready to build. Help us realize our 2024 blueprint.