Some things we’ve seen outside of the rehearsal room:
Casinos and missiles
Timeshare tours
Million dollar watches
The Grand Canyon (which is not in Las Vegas or NV)
and rain in the desert.
Some things we’ve done in the rehearsal room:
We’ve had a pool party.
We’ve dropped an atomic bomb on Jonathan Edwards, an 18th-century theologian
Ian has revealed that he can actually turn into a lizard on command.
Libby has eaten a mouthful of graham cracker crumbs from the floor
We’ve reenacted people we interviewed who work in the casinos
We’ve reenacted people we interviewed who play in the casinos
We’ve reenacted casinos themselves.
We’ve stomped, clapped, and sung “If you believe in Vegas, then you believe in God.”
All sorts of things have been done with laser eyes.
We’ve written over 150 pages of material. Today we’re starting a full push to tie together everything we’ve seen and written. Right now, everyone is sitting at tables scattered around the blackbox at UNLV. It’s very quiet, like a library. Well—a library with a very enthusiastic coffee maker gurgling on the side. We’ll see what comes out…